Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Not a blog candy...

Memandangkan tiada peruntukan untuk kelas pemulihan... kebanyakan benda terpaksa dibeli oleh saya sendiri... dari bahan nak dibuat abm... ke bahan-bahan lain seperti fail-fail, kertas dan sebagainya...

Kebanyakan lembaran kerja adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri... tetapi apabila jumpa buku latihan yang sesuai dengan kemahiran yang diajar yang boleh diguna untuk latihan tambahan... adalah sukar kerana... kebanyakan murid pemulihan bukannya dari kelurga berada... nak beli buka nota pun... kadang sukar bagi mereka... kalau hendak photostat... melanggar 'copyright' pula... dan sekarang buku-buku latihan baik di beli dari photostat... kerana harganya mungkin sama dengan harga asal beli buku...

Ini adalah beberapa barang yang dibeli oleh saya dari Singapura... dan buku-buku dibeli dari sini...

Buku-buku latihan dan bahan-bahan untuk membuat abm

Buku latihan untuk Matematik dan Bahasa Melayu

ABM untuk Matematik

Papan putih kecil untuk murid menulis atau menyelesaikan masalah Matematik

Puzzle untuk nombor 1-10

Laminating Film

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

KVKV Chopstick

Berikut adalah kad suku kata KV. Suku kata KV telah dicetak pada kertas warna dan dilekatkan pada chopstick. Apabila pelajaran KV diajar, kad suku kata ini boleh digunakan agar dapat menarik perhatian murid. Pelajaran boleh dijalankan secara permainan. Setiap murid boleh diberikan beberapa kad suku kata dan diminta untuk berdiri dalam bulatan atau duduk dalam satu bulatan. Kemudian guru boleh menyebut atau membunyikan salah satu suku kata dan minta murid yang mempunyai suku kata tersebut untuk angkat kad tersebut dan tunjukkan pada semua murid lain. Jika murid telah menguasai kemahiran mengeja dan membunyikan suku kata KV, guru boleh minta murid untuk membina perkataan KVKV dari kad suku kata tersebut.

Kad suku kata KV yang dilekatkan pada chopstick
Murid-murid sedang menunjukkan kad suku kata
Perkataan KVKV yang boleh dibina dengan menggunakan kad suku kata tersebut.

Gambar dan Kad Padanan Suku Kata KVKV

Berikut adalah abm yang digunakan untuk suku kata KVKV. Gambar-gambar yang dipilih adalah yang sesuai dengan tahap murid agar mereka kenal dan boleh menamakan gambar tersebut. Suku kata KVKV telah dicetak dengan warna berlainan dan diasingkan. Perkataan KVKV dikenalkan dan murid akan mengeja dan membunyikan perkataan tersebut. Setelah murid menguasai kemahiran mengeja dan membunyikan perkataan tersebut, murid diberikab berberapa gambar dan suku kata awalan. Kemudian murid diminta untuk melengkapkan suku kata akhiran dengan meletakan kad suku kata yang sesuai. Kemudian diulang pula dengan meletakan suku kata akhiran dan diminta untuk melengkapkan suku kata awalan. Apabila murid sudah menguasai kemahiran ini, hanya gambar sahaja diberikan. Kemudian beberap kad suku kata diberikan pada mereka dan diminta untuk meletakkan kad suku kata yang seuai agar dapat mengeja perkataan KVKV tersebut.

Contoh gambar dan kad suku kata

Buku Bacaan Mudah

Berikut adalah buku bacaan mudah yang meliputi perkataan mudah seperti KVKV, KVKVKV, KVKVK dan KVKVKK. Buku ini disediakan dengan tujuan agar murid-murid pemulihan dapat mengasah kemahiran membaca mereka. Suku kata perkataan tersebut dicetak dalam warna merah dan hitam agar murid dapat mengeja dan membunyikan suku kata tersebut dengan lebih mudah. Setiap helaian mengandungi beberapa baris ayat perkataan KVKV, KVKVKV, KVKVK da KVKVKK.

Muka depan buku bacaan mudah perkataan KVKV

Contoh helaian dalam perkataan KVKV

Muka depan buku bacaan mudah KVKVK

Contoh helaian dalam perkataan KVKVK

Muka depan buku bacaan mudah KVKVKK

Contoh helaian dalam perkataan KVKVKK

Muka depan buku bacaan mudah KVKVKV

Contoh helaian dalam perkataan KVKVKV

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Kad Lipat

Berikut adalah beberapa kad lipat yang disediakan untuk huruf vokal dan juga suku kata KVKV... ABM ni tak mengambil banyak masa... tapi yang susahnya ialah mencari kad saiz A5... kalau tak kenalah guna kad manila dan gunting satu persatu... tapi Popular Bookshop memang bagus... apa yang dicari... semuanya ada... yang susahnya setiap kali balik dari Singapura... beg berat... tak larat nak angkut... kad ni ada 50 helai dalam satu pek... dan harganya lebih kurang SGD 2. Daripada beli kad manila dan potong satu demi satu... baik beli yang ni... jimat masa dan tenaga.... dan saya masukkan kad lipat yang dah siap ke dalam plastik lutsinar... agar tak kotor dan boleh tahan untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang... plastik ni boleh je dibeli dari kedai runcit... cetak semua gambar yang sesuai untuk huruf vokal dan suku kata KVKV... potong dan tampal pada kad... ini adalah hasilnya...

Pada muka hadapan huruf vokal... murid-murid boleh sebut huruf vokal dan bunyikannya....

Bila di buka kad lipat tadi... ini yang ada di dalam.... murid-murid boleh mengeja KVK lalu bunyikannya... atau untuk murid-murid yang masih belum mengusai KVK... boleh melihat gambar tersebut dan sebut perkataan itu...

Yang ini adalah kad lipat untuk suku kata KVKV... di depan ialah suku kata KV... di mana murid-murid boleh mengeja dan bunyikan suku kata tersebut...

Pada muka dalam kad lipa lipat... ada suku kata KV (akhiran)... murid-murid boleh namakan dahulu gambar tersebut... dan eja dan bunyikan suku kata KV (akhiran)...

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Lollipop a, b, c

While I was browsig the stationary section in Popular Bookshop in Singapore for stamps... I came accross this colourful ice cream sticks... the colour were bright and attractive... I bought it hoping I could use it to create some teaching aids in school... I bought two packs of this sticks... I'm not sure whether the Popular here have it... I must check out here too... I can save a lot of money then...

What I did was... I had letters printed out and laminated... I always use them as it is when teaching... I'll ask the students to pick out the letters that I say... or I show them the letter and ask them to name it... and I give them a few letters and ask them to arrange into some meaningful words... then suddenly I got this idea... I paste the letters on the ice cream sticks... so it looked like a lollipop... only thing is you can't eat this one though it's colourful and tempting... now it's more interesting... and it can made into a little game to for the closure...

The pasted letters on the ice-cream sticks... since it is laminated... it was easy... it will long last and wont get dirty either... if only paper is used then it would tend to tear easily...

Meaningful words can be formed using this cute lollipops....

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

What It Takes To Be A Remedial Teacher?

Well... it's not easy to be a remedial teacher... we need a lot of patience... we need to be strong mentally and physically... as A Geochemical Officer... I have to deal only with sophisticated instruments and samples that are definable... but now I have to deal with kids... each with a different ability... with different character... with different IQ level... they are not definable... each need a specific approach...

Who Are Slow Learners?

Slow-learners are those who fail in school because of their low intellectual abilities. Their IQ ranges from 55 / 60 to 85 / 90. They have a wide range of abilities and a variety of characteristics depending on their background.


  1. In physical appearance they are no different from normal children and therefore likely to get admission into schools for normal children where the curriculum is drawn up to meet the needs of average children. So they find it extremely difficult to cope with the education imparted in these schools, unless special provision is made for them and the curriculum is oriented towards practical and real life activities.
  2. They are capable of being educated in ordinary schools and even achieving a moderate degree of success, if they are allowed to proceed at a slower pace and the syllabus is adapted to suit their abilities.
  3. But, they will not be able to keep pace with the average children and never be able to learn all the things we expect normal children to master by the time they leave school.
  4. They will not be able to go for higher studies despite all the guidance and educational facilities made available to them.
  5. They have poor memories. Their attention span is short and they cannot concentrate on one topic for long.

Special problems of the slow-learners:

  1. Since in physical appearance they look like normal children, parents and teachers have the same expectations from them as from the latter.
  2. When they are not able to live up to these expectations, parents and teachers scold and punish them instead of trying to find out the reason behind their failure.
  3. Their classmates make fun of them.
  4. Consequently, they are bewildered and confused, wondering what wrong they have committed.
  5. Since their basic needs of being loved, accepted and recognised are not met, they develop emotional problems and behaviour difficulties.
  6. They generally have a low self-concept due to their limited experience of success and due to the low opinion expressed of them by parents, teachers and others around them
These problems arise when:
  • A child with low intellectual abilities is not identified at an early age ( before 7 years ).
  • The goals of and the expectations from his education are unrealistic and not geared to his pace of learning and intellect level.
  • When parents refuse to come to terms with the fact that their child has low mental ability. The tense emotional situation at home makes the child feel insecure.
  • Insecurities also creep in if the parents, due to self imposed guilt feelings, are inconsistent in their handling of the child: sometimes over protective, sometimes rejecting her totally. The child does not know what to expect.
  • Teachers show a lack of understanding and give the child a sarcastic and harsh treatment. This may make the child resentful, aggressive or destructive on the one hand or withdrawn on the other. In some extreme cases the child may start playing truant and become antisocial. He/she may fall a prey to drug addiction and other vices since these children lack the power of critical thinking.
The responsibility of parents, teachers and society toward slow-learners:
  • Teachers and parents can be of great help to these children by identifying them at an early age. The delayed attainment of developmental milestones and language usage and vocabulary of these children can easily be noticed if parents and teachers keenly observe these children's behaviour and development.
  • Teachers should particularly observe such children closely and refer them to the counsellor or psychologist for expert opinion.
  • Cumulative and anecdotal records of any significant behaviour, incident, fact or speech pattern of these children should be maintained in every school. These are of great help in understanding the child better.
  • Teachers and parents should be understanding towards these children and treat them with more affection than harshness. They should not resort to physical punishment.
  • Teachers have a special role to play in helping parents come to terms with the fact that their child has low intellectual ability. This can help prevent deep-seated emotional problems in slow-learners.
  • Normal classroom programmes should also make provision for children with low intellect level.

Source: Google Search